Weber E210 vs E310

Weber E210 vs E310 – Comparison and Review

If you are on the market for a quality grill you will have no doubt heard of Weber. They manufacture some of the best grills on the market. A couple of their most popular grills include the E210 and the newer model the E310 but what exactly are the differences and similarities between them.

Here in my overview I do a direct comparison between the 2 grills and their differences and similarities. Then after I will compare their features that they share and what I think about them.

Weber E310 vs E210 – Overview


When it comes to the direct differences between the 2 grills they are actually hard to find because of how similar they really are. Though there are differences worth noting –

The biggest and most important difference is probably that the E310 has 3 burners while the E210 only has 2 burners. Having the 3 burners means there is more area where the heat will be maximized and also more cooking area and space. This is a clear advantage for the 310.

As I already stated there is more cooking space to make use of on the E310. In terms of primary cooking area the E210 has 360 square inches of space whereas the E310 has 424 square inches of space. So, there is definitely some extra space there, and there is also a little extra space on the grill area that is raised above the main grill in both of them – though here the difference isn’t quite as notable.

Another main difference between the 2 grills is that the 310 offers more cooking power in terms of BTUs. The E210 offers 26,500 BTU whereas the E310 offers 32,000 BTU. While these BTU numbers aren’t the highest, they both can easily go over 600F so it seems Weber have optimized these grills very well. For the direct comparison between the 2 – what this equates in to real terms is that the E310 will heat up a little faster and have a slightly higher maximum temperature.

The final and probably most notable difference is that the E210 is usually priced quite a lot lower than the E310. There is no doubt the E310 is slightly better than the E210 though for people who are cooking for a smaller family for example the E210 would be more than sufficient for their grilling needs.


There is no doubt that these 2 grills are almost identical in many ways so, let me explain what both of the grills have in terms of identical features.

Both grills–

  • Have burner material – stainless steel
  • Have a grease pan
  • Have a thermometer
  • Have a storage rack for utensils/tools
  • Have a raised warming/cooking area
  • Having a cooking box
  • Are colored black
  • Have a grill cover
  • Have side shelves

As you can see there are a tremendous amount of similarities between the 2 but how well do they function and operate.

Weber E210 vs E310 – Review

There is no doubt – both of these grills offer a brilliant build quality and design, they look amazing particularly in the sun shine. Thanks to their materials they are going to be durable and can be even be left outside in the weather over the winter if you liked. Though as I mentioned above both of the grills have shelves which can be used for storage and preparation etc – these shelves can in fact be lowered which makes for storing it inside more practical. You can also easily move them around thanks to the wheels on the bottom.

Now for the most important thing – the cooking. Weber’s are known for being wonderful and here is no different. They both can easily climb over 600F. Not only does it get hot but the heat is evenly spread out throughout the cooking area which is important. The cooking bars that are used on both the grills are made from a cast iron. If you didn’t know cast iron holds the heat much better than the common metal you would see in a grill. It makes for grilling and more importantly searing a dream.

The grease pan is also worth mentioning because it works really well unlike a lot of other grills I have used myself. The grease pan is big and can be lined with an aluminum paper which can be replaced as you need to. This makes for cleaning and maintenance more less annoying than it could be.

One thing I wish was on both grills was a side burner. So, for me it’s a small downside if you wanted that feature though for some people that’s not so important.

The bottom line is that both grills do exactly what you would want and need from a grill and both grills are a great choice. I personally would opt for the E210 simply because of the lower price and I wouldn’t need to make use of the larger cooking area but for everyone that may not be the case, so make the best choice for your needs!